A filter file for Gmail to auto-delete spams.
通常,前端调试输出一些日志信息可以使用alert或者console, 当然在Desktop机器上很容易,很多浏览器都支持,如果是在手机上,可能比较麻烦,怎么得到输出的console信息呢.
How to disable system clear button and replace it with self application Manage Space?
What will be removed If you click Clear Data Button in the System Application
今天中的一个story突然提到了系统设置中的清理数据,后来开始思考究竟系统的应用的这个清理功能,究竟会清理那些数据。 于是开始研究,以com.mx.browser为例,思路大概为首先为/data/data/com.mx.browser下的每一个文件夹下建立一个标志文件,这里为1.txt,然后执行清理数据操作,最后对比结果。 首先,进行清楚数据之前的的各个文件夹的情况。
通常我们进行摄像头操作,如扫描二维码需要判断是否有后置摄像头(Rear camera),比如Nexus 7 一代就没有后置摄像头,这样在尝试使用的时候,我们需要进行判断进行一些提示或者处理。
Load URL With Extra HTTP Headers Using WebView in Android
As we know, Webview will add the referer into the reqeust if we click a hyperlink to navigate to another one. But if we want to add a referer when a hard loading starts, What can we do to make it?
Check if a Thread Is Main Thread in Android
How to check a certain thread is the main one or not in Android? You may say it could be determined by checking the name. Yes, It may resolve the problem. However I think it’s not reliable.
Quickly Find Content in Files
Although Eclipse does provide a lot of facilities for Finding content is Workspace files, it maybe less efficient for find something such as a certain package or class usage. Actually we could do it more efficient and geeky.
How to Summarize Folder Size in Terminal
In this post, we will use the du command. This command does estimate file space usage; and It will summarize disk usage of each FILE, recursively for directories.
Android NinePatch Attention
I have got many crash report data about using NinePath Drwable. I put a .9.png file into the drawable-xhdpi folder and the file did not exist in any other folder. And I got ResourceNotFoundException. I got this following sayings.
Install Lsusb in Mac OSX
To continue doing as the following, make sure you have installed homebrew in your Mac OSX.
Revert a Certain File Back to a Certain Commit
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Auth Password Cannot Be Read From a File
I am facing this problem which leaves the error message
Use Vim in StackEdit
StackEdit is really great online editor. It could connect with Google Drive. And what’s more, you can even use Vim in this editor.
Now add the following snippet into Settings—Extensions—UserCustom extension javascript area.
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Fix Notification Switching Position Issue
I once faced with a problem. I wrote a piece of code related with notifcation. Everything goes fine except one little issue. I found the ongoing notification switching order. My notification blinked each second. After Googling I found the reason and resolved the problem.
Fix No Sound Issue on Mac
Now I am dealing with Mac OSX. However I found sometimes this is no sound. People say it’s a bug. I have tried some methods. And found this goes for me every time.
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Put the code into a shell script and run the script whenever the issue occurs.
Code Snippet for Media on Android
A few days ago,I have wrote down this post http://androidyue.github.io/blog/2014/01/19/scan-media-files-in-android/. Now I will paste my code snippet.
Scan Media Files in Android
I once tried to use MediaScanner to resolve problems; however it turned out to be a failure. Now I make it.This post is to write down why I failed and how I work it out now. I think it could be deeper that other posts.
Set the Preferred Application in Android
A great application should provide a function to let users set it as the preferred or default application. In this post, I will make a description on PreferredApplication
Before an application is about to be set as default, it has two possibilities. One is that there is already a default application and the other is no default application.
Package Stopped State Since Android 3.1
First Bite
Since Android 3.1, Android has introduced a LaunchControl mechanism. It’s call Stopped State.
- 意思:请…
- 例句:
- りんごをください 请把苹果给我
- ほんを私にください 请把书给我一下。
Fix Missing Command Takes Too Long to Respond in Fedora
I am getting well on with Fedora now. However when I was a fresher to Fedora, I have met a lot of problems.
One of them is that When I type some wrong commands It will take too long to respond. It’s totally different from Ubuntu,which I used before. However I like it could quickly reponse even through the command does not exist.
Ok.Add the above code to .bashrc And it works.
BashBites:Check Files
Check a file exists
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