
Install Git Daemon on Fedora

Git-daemon is A really simple server for git repositories.You can take a detailed understanding by reading https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-daemon.html .
I once often used git-daemon when I was using Ubuntu.But when I turn to Fedora and found it was not installed.And the output is like the following.

git: 'daemon' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

So I write this post to record How to install and enable git-daemon First Let’s intall the git Daemon:

sudo yum install git-daemon

However git daemon is off by default.We should enable it.We should do as the following.

vim  /etc/xinetd.d/git

And modify the file as the following configuration.

# default: off
# description: The git dæmon allows git repositories to be exported using \
        #       the git:// protocol.

service git
            disable         = no
            socket_type     = stream
            wait            = no
            user            = nobody
            server          = /usr/libexec/git-core/git-daemon
            server_args     = --base-path=/var/lib/git --export-all --user-path=public_git --syslog --inetd --verbose
            log_on_failure  += USERID
            # xinetd does not enable IPv6 by default
            flags           = IPv6


And then,We use this command to start the git Daemon

git  daemon--export-all--base-path=your_local_git_path

Mostly we could clone the repositories from the git daemon.
But if you have enabled Firewall and other people want to clone the repository from your git daemon,please let the port 9418 available to the outsite.

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